Be part of the solution – register and submit your abstract!

The registration and abstract submission for the 4th International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) 2019 are now open. The conference will be held in Beijing, China, from 14-18 October 2019 and will bring together the international community to discuss regional climate research and to share the latest progress on regional climate modeling for impact and adaptation planning.

By participating in this conference you will be part of the solution to regional climate issues, as it will provide an opportunity to interact with scientists, stakeholders, and users of regional climate information. The conference will facilitate discussions on local challenges, including the impact of climate extremes, and initiate steps towards your region’s sustainable approach to climate change – you can make a difference!

The conference will include an update on what has already been achieved since CORDEX started in 2009, both in terms of modelling and training, and will outline new developments and the focus of future work. There will also be workshop-oriented sessions on how we, together, can train and be trained in areas that are necessary to your home environment.

The program will cover topics such as advances in modeling and the benefits of downscaling, including how to handle model biases and uncertainties; further development of Earth system models; the human factor; and impacts and applications. The conference will also provide a platform for scientists and users from all parts of the globe to meet and advance capacity development, training and knowledge exchange as well as to build new and enhance existing co-operations.

The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2019. You can register and submit your abstract on the website:

Please also see the latest flyer.

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The global collaborative initiative CORDEX aims to develop and provide detailed, regional climate information necessary for vulnerability, impact and adaptation studies at local and regional levels where climate change happens. CORDEX is working to meet the increasing need for reliable regional climate information communicated in a manner enabling efficient regional and local decisions on impact and adaptation planning – the decisions that affect you and your family!

CORDEX is a project of the World Climate Research Programme.