Parallel Session C: Climate Change Impacts
Day 3: Thursday, October 17 (08.30-13.00)
C1: High impact regional phenomena
- Extreme events (floods, precipitation extremes, temperature extremes, extreme storms, compound events, slow onset hazards such as droughts): Present and future
- Integrated assessment
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION C1
For a .pdf of the complete abstract book (oral and posters of parallel sessions) click here
Oral presentations:
Co-chairs: Faye Cruz & Izidine Pinto
Rapporteur: Adnan Arshad
08.30 Ubiquitous increase of extreme heat stress under global warming from CORDEX-CORE climate projections. Eun-Soon Im
08.45 Putting distillation into practice: co-developing climate services to build resilience across South Asia. Benjamin Harrison
09.00 Compound climate extremes and exposed population in Africa at different global warming levels using CORDEX-CORE projections. Torsten Weber
09.15 Implementation of a new aging parameterisation scheme in RegCM4. Sudipta Ghosh
09.45 Evaluation of the effects of a multiphysics ensemble on the simulation of an extremely hot summer in 2003 over the CORDEX-EA-II Region. Shuyu Wang
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 Using dynamically downscaled output for climate change risk analysis: results from an application to southeastern USA. Jiali Wang
10.45 Future projections in tropical cyclone activity over multiple CORDEX domains using RegCM4.7. José Torres
11.00 Hydroclimatological variables in the South America CORDEX domain for La Plata River Basin. Vanesa Pantano
11.15 Coastal flooding due to extreme events in the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Andrea Lira Loarca
11.30-13.00 Poster session C1, C2, C, D1 to D7
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions C, click on the links below
C2: High mountain environments
- Challenges in modelling high mountain environments
- Vulnerability in high mountain environments
- Uncertainty in regional climate change projections: from GCMs to RCMs/ESDs
- Glaciers
- Water resources
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION C2
Oral presentations:
Co-chair: Jason Evans
Rapporteur: Anubhav Choudhary
08.30 The experimental studies on the land-atmospheric interactions over the source region of the Three Rivers. Jun Wen
09.00 Observations and Modelling of Precipitation in High Mountain Regions. Peter J van Oevelen
09.15 European snow cover in a changing climate: Evaluation and projections of the EURO-CORDEX regional climate model ensemble. Claas Teichmann
09.30 Future changes in snowfall and snow cover at high Japanese mountain ranges. Hiroaki Kawase
09.45 Relation between CORDEX precipitation and model orography in the northwest Ethiopian highlands. Bert Van Schaeybroeck
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 Topography effects on projected rainfall change in mid-latitude mountain regions. Jason Evans
10.45 The investigation of glacier-hydrological impacts under climate change by an integrated atmosphere-glacier-hydrological modeling system: a case study of a Norwegian glacier. Lu Li
11.05 Results of a new methodology for the analyze the climate change uncertainty on a high step mountain range. Application at the Andes. Andrea Carril
11.30-13.00 Poster session C1, C2, C3, D1 to D7
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions C and D, click on the links below
C3: Implications for renewable energy
- Wind energy
- Solar energy
- Hydropower
- Biofuels
- Complimentarity of renewable energy sources
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION C3
Oral presentations:
Co-chairs: Juan Pedro Montavez & Erik Kjellstrom
Rapporteur: Richard Antonio
08.30 Future projections of wind speed and wind power over CORDEX-East Asia. Delei Li
08.45 Effect of aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud interactions in the simulation of photovoltaic and wind power using regional climate models. Juan Pedro Montávez
09.00 Impact of climate change on future potentials of solar electricity generation over West Africa. Colman Ibe
09.15 Characterizing the Historical and Projected Wind Energy Resource in the Philippines Using CORDEX-SEA Simulations. John Nacpil
09.30 A Study on Civic Engagement into Energy Transition since Fukushima and its Impact on Renewable Energy Policy in South Korea. Hyun-Chin Lim
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 Tbd
10.45 Sustainability of the hydropower generation capacity of Pakistan in changing climate conditions.Hazrat Bilal
11.00 The Future of Africa’s Wind Energy Sector under 1.5˚ and 2˚ global warming. Victor Indasi
11.30-13.00 Poster session C1, C2, C3, D1 to D7
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions C and D, click on the links below