Plenary Session 1: CORDEX : achievements, status and focus of future work

Day 1: Tuesday, October 15     

Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT PLENARY 1

  • Opening session
  • Presentations focused on chain of CORDEX output through impact modelling to end users from across the domains. Fundamental simulations and analysis, for instance analysis focused on added value and process behaviour:  What is fundamental science accomplished?  Highlight East Asia achievements.
  • Scientific challenges and FPSs
  • Implementation of the WCRP strategic Plan


09.00-09.40: OPENING SESSION
Pavel Kabat

09.00 General welcome and presentation of the opening presenters. Bill Gutowski, Silvina Solman
General welcome and how CORDEX is relevant in the IPCC WGI AR. Dr. Panmao Zhai
Welcome by IAP representative, Prof. Dabang Jiang
Welcome by ANSO & CAS representative, Prof. Ailikun 
Brief roadmap of the conference and special events.  Bill Gutowski, Silvina Solman

09.40-18.00: PLENARY SESSION 1

Moderator: Silvina Solman
30-years of Regional Climate Modeling: Where are we, how did we get there and where are we going? Filippo Giorgi (KEYNOTE SPEAKER)
10.20 Coffee/Tea break

Moderator: Silvina Solman
10.50 Development of Regional Climate Modeling in China. Congbin Fu (KEYNOTE SPEAKER)
Earth System approach to climate, weather, water and environment – A new WCRP Strategy. Pavel Kabat
  The IPCC Special Report on 1.5 degrees. Michael Taylor
12.35 Overview of the CORDEX CORE simulations. Erika Coppola & Claas Teichmann

Moderator: Bill Gutowski
Rapporteur: Andrea Lira Loarca

14.00The CORDEX-FPS in Southeastern South America: a comparative study of statistical and dynamical downscaling models in simulating daily extreme precipitation events. Maria Bettolli
14.15The FPS on convection over Europe and the Mediterranean: A year, three updates. Stefan Sobolowski
14.30Europe: Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales. Peter Hoffmann
14.45The MedCORDEX FPS: Role of the air-sea coupling and small scale ocean processes in regional climate. Gabriel Jordà
15.00 Slides of the following FPSs presented by Bill Gutowski & Silvina Solman
– Africa: Coupled regional modelling of land-atmosphere-ocean interactions.
– Africa: ELVIC – Climate Extremes in the Lake Viktoria Basin.
– Mediterranean; Role of the natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the Mediterranean region: past climate variability and future climate sensibility.

15.15 Monsoon modeling activities in CMIP6. Tianjun Zhou
15.45 Coffee/Tea break

16.15-18.00 WCRP CORE PROJECTS and CORA (WCRP Coordination Office for Regional Activities)
Moderator: Pavel Kabat /Michel Rixen
Rapporteur: Andrea Lira Loarca

16.15 GEWEX. Jan Polcher
16.35 SPARC. Seok-Woo Son
CliC. Shichang Kang
17:15 CLIVAR. Simon Marsland
17.35-17.55 CORA. Beatriz Balino or Wiebke Schubotz

18.00-19.45 ICEBREAKER

  • General welcome from the perspective of APN   Dr. Gen’ichiro Tsukada (APN representative)
  • IAP representative – General welcolme