Plenary Session 2

Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT PLENARY 2

Day 4: Friday, October 18 (morning)

  • Presentation of summary of ECS reports from conference sessions
  • Newly endorsed Flagship Pilot Studies
  • Looking to the future (to include synthesis report from Parallel Sessions D)
  • Dissemination of CORDEX: Communication and ESGF

Oral presentations

Moderator: Claas Teichmann

Summary of the A, B, C sessions. S. Wang

New FPS + Expectations of FPS (e.g. Life cycle, Reporting, etc.). T. Stephenson

D-session reports. J. Evans

● Future planning: WCRP Implementation Plan

Moderator P. Kabat – Rapporteur: Chris Lennard

Introduction. P. Kabat
WCRP Implementation Plan and Status. D. Stammer
CORDEX contributions to the Strategic PlanS. Solman & B. Gutowski

Panel discussion, WCRP Implementation Plan and CORDEX Future – 11:00-12:30

Moderator P. Kabat – Rapporteur: Chris Lennard

The aim of this panel discussion is to address the following broad topics:

  • Recall the goals of the new WCRP Strategic Plan and seek community suggestions on the implementation pathway for CORDEX
  • What functionalities should CORDEX develop as a research organization?
  • Review CORDEX in the context of CMIP and rapid developments in high-resolution and Earth System Modeling
  • Develop and further refine CORDEX science questions and capability requirements for regions
  • Enhance the CORDEX capabilities for delivering information from science to societal needs

Presentations – 35 mins total

  • Introduction by  Kabat – 5mins
  • WCRP Implementation Plan and Status by  Stammer – 15 mins including Q&A
  • Priorities for CORDEX by S. Solman & B. Gutowski – 15 mins including Q&A

Short statements – 4 mins each (16 mins total)

  • Fredolin Tangang (CORDEX-SEA, on behalf of APN) – Capacity building and example on how agencies like APN can support the development of CORDEX in the regions to address vulnerability, impact and adaptation challenges
  • Kun Yang (Tsinghua University, China) – Earth system science challenges, e.g representing land processes and land use changes and coupling with the atmosphere for climate projections
  • Duan Yihong (President of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA, China) – Atmospheric and Earth system sciences, from modeling to users
  • Gaby Langendijk (Early Career Scientist) – Mobilizing the next generation of Earth system scientists, networking, innovation

Panel discussion with the audience – 35 mins

  • Detlef Stammer (Chair WCRP JSC)
  • Bill Gutowski (CORDEX SAT Co-chair)
  • Silvina Solman (CORDEX SAT Co-chair)
  • Fredolin Tangang (CORDEX SAT Member, CORDEX-South-East Asia, on behalf of APN)
  • Kun Yang (Tsinghua University, China, on behalf of ANSO)
  • Duan Yihong (President of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA, China)
  • Gaby Langendijk (Early Career Scientist, on behalf of YESS)

Wrap up – 5 mins


Closing of the conference