Session B1: Atmosphere-land
List of posters
For the Session B1 book of abstracts, click here
GAOL | Adelina | Contribution of urban heat island on landscape composition and its impact to the land surface temperature (Case study on Palembang City-Indonesia) | B1-P-01 |
GILES | Julian | Diurnal cycle of precipitation and atmospheric humidity flux in South America: role of land-atmosphere interactions | B1-P-02 |
HIRSCH | Annette | Land surface contributions to the amplification of Australian heatwaves via local land-atmosphere coupling | B1-P-03 |
HOFFMANN | Peter | Response of LUCAS-models to forestation and afforestation in Europe under dry, wet and hot climate conditions | B1-P-04 |
KUMAR | Dhirendra | Indian Summer Monsoon in a coupled land-atmosphere regional downscaling experiment | B1-P-05 |
LIU | Siliang | Regional climate impact assessment of vegetation change in Loess Plateau: combining WRF-Noah model and long time series satellite observations | B1-P-06 |
MAOSHAN | Li | The study of the surface roughness length and its application in the NoahMP on the northern of the Tibetan Plateau | B1-P-07 |
MARGARYAN | Pargev | Probable deviations of air temperature in the surface layer of arid regions of Armenia in the context of global climate change | B1-P-08 |
MARGARYAN | Varduhi | Dynamics change of annual number of atmospheric precipitation of Ararat physical geographical arid region in global climate change context | B1-P-09 |
NTOLE | Romain | Forecast of Planting Calendar for Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) from Downscaling Method in Kivu Mountain, DR Congo | B1-P-10 |
REBOITA | Michelle | Land surface temperature in high resolution simulations with RegCM over Southeastern Brazil | B1-P-11 |
SEMENOVA | Inna | Projected Trends of Precipitation Regime in Ukraine During the Period of 2020-2050 | B1-P-12 |
SILVA | Maria Elisa | Climatic impact over South America caused by the Amazon deforestation during distinct Pacific Decadal Oscillation phases | B1-P-13 |
SINGH | Charu | An analysis of extreme rainfall events over the Himalayan region using coupled models | B1-P-14 |
TEOTIA | Manoj Kumar | Institutionalization of Climate Adaptation Practices: A Case Study of Planned city of Chandigarh, India | B1-P-15 |
WANG | Xuejia | Characterization of air and surface temperature coupling over the Tibetan Plateau: Results from multi-source reanalyses | B1-P-16 |
YAN | Yan | Assessment of the Uncertainties of Options in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model Simulations over China | B1-P-17 |
ZACHARIAH | Johnson | Impact of Equatorial and Northern Bay of Bengal SST’s on the Indian summer monsoon rainfall | B1-P-18 |