Poster presentations guidelines

A poster communication at the ICRC-CORDEX2019 workshop is a great opportunity to support in-depth presentation of your work, results and achievements, and is very efficient for conveying messages to a large audience with time for questions and productive exchange with other participants. Poster sessions are a key component of the conference programme.

The Conference format places high importance on poster presentations. The program will include several poster sessions, covering a broad range of climate change relevant topics, to allow ample discussions in a studious, yet relaxed atmosphere. Poster sessions especially facilitate interaction between students/early career scientists and more senior researchers.

Poster display

Posters should be on display as outlined in the poster session . Posters should be put up just before the scheduled display time and taken off at the very end of the scheduled display time. Authors should be in attendance during the session and are expected to stand by their poster in order to answer questions.

Presenters will be asked to remove their poster at the end of their poster session. The posters not removed during the appropriate time will be recycled. Please DO NOT LAMINATE your poster unless you plan to re-use it. Un-laminated posters can be recycled.

Poster format

Maximum poster are 118 cm (height) x 84 cm (width) = A0 in PORTRAIT. Poster areas will be equipped with poster boards and material to hang your poster up.

Poster ID

Posters are identified with nomenclature according to the sessions; A1, B2, C3. E.g. the following poster ID “A3-P-01” refers to a presentation assigned number 01 in poster session A3.

NOTE: No local poster printing service will be available during the symposium, so please bear in mind to print and bring your poster.

TIPS for your poster

The purpose of a poster is to effectively communicate your work to a particular audience. You need your poster to be attention-seeking and convey a clear message that the audience will quickly comprehend.

There are 4 key elements in creating an effective poster:

  1. Attract interest
  2.  Help your audience navigate the poster
  3. Give them content worth reading
  4. Make it easy to comprehend

The presentation must cover the material as cited in the corresponding submitted abstract

  • Use the official abstract title as submitted and make it easy to read. Complement the title with a short abstract that conveys your main message and attracts people passing by. Place the title on top of your poster together with the author’s names.
  • Highlight the author’s names, e-mails, and address information in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information and/or provide a card or handout with your contact details.
  • Organize your material into sections; give each section a sentence heading summarizing it.
  • Create an attractive design with lots of white space.
  • Use the same artistic style throughout your poster.
  • Limit details that don't contribute directly to your main message.
  • Eye movement: The movement (pathway) of the eye over the poster should be natural, down the columns from left to right. Size attracts attention. Arrows, pointing hands, numbers, and letters can help clarify the sequence.
  • Topography
    • Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon.
    • Use a consistent font throughout.
    • Use type size that is readable from 2 m away. Title text should be at least 54pt, headings at least 36pt, and body text at least 28pt. Keep the number of text characters in a line between 30 and 70. Consider the spacing between the lines
    • Blank spaces are not a problem. Use space to highlight and shape the main content. Used effectively, blank spaces can help the audience navigate the poster.

If several people gather around your poster, they should all be able to read the text simultaneously.

  • Use graphics as much as possible to get your message across. Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly.
  • Simplicity: Resist the temptation to overload the poster. More material may mean less communication.

Poster no show 

Participants are strongly urged to inform the organizers in case of no-show in sending a mail to with copy to Catherine Michaut