Parallel Session D: Domain/cross-domain meetings, Convection permitting models
Day 3: Thursday, October 17 (afternoon)
D1: Third Pole Environment: high resolution simulation/reanalysis and its implication/application
Conveners: Deliang Chen, Shiori Sugimoto, Tandong Yao, Peter Van Ovelen
Rapporteur: Mahesh Ramadoss
Session summary
In this session, we will present some recent efforts related to high-resolution (down to a few km) climate simulations/reanalysis over the Third Pole (TP: Tibetan Plateau and all the mountain ranges that surround it) region and their applications, discuss the roles played by mesoscale systems and identify key scientific challenges encountered. Results of this session could inform future research efforts. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session with a focus on high-resolution modeling/reanalysis over the TP. Talks describing similar efforts for other regions with complex terrain are also welcome.
Contact: Deliang Chen
More information about session D1 can be found here.
D3: Regional responses to global warmings of 1.5 and 2°C
Conveners: Zhihong Jiang1, Shuyu Wang3, Tianjun Zhou2 and Weidong Guo3
1. School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3. School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
Rapporteur: Abiodun Adeola
Session Summary
This session presents the latest progress of Monsoon East Asia climatic responses to different levels of warming. It’s designed to: 1) identify the responsive hotspots to an extra 0.5°C warming, and provide reliable fine-resolution climate and extreme projection under 1.5°C warming in East Asia using downscaling methods; 2) investigate the inter-decadal variations of the atmosphere-ocean interaction, and the feedback mechanism of East Asia Monsoon to 1.5/2°C warmings; and 3) provide information on the optimized path of China's future carbon emission and management to achieve 1.5C warming limit. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session.
Contacts: Zhihong Jiang, Shuyu Wang, Tianjun Zhou and Weidong Guo.
More information about session D3 can be found here.
D5: Introduction and application of ESGF in CORDEX-EA domain
Conveners: Young-Hwa Byun, Dong-Hyun Cha, Jaewon Choi, and Jeougmin Han
Rapporteur: Victor Dike
Session summary
In late 2018, an ESGF data node for CORDEX-EA domain was established at the APEC Climate Center (APCC) in Korea. In this session, the overall system and infrastructure of the ESGF data node will be introduced. We also explain how to generate metadata and distribute CORDEX-EA data through the ESGF node at the APCC. In addition, application researches using CORDEX-EA data from ESGF will be presented, which includes analysis of future changes in high impact weather and climate and impact studies of regional climate change on hydrology and eco-system. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session.
Contacts: Young-Hwa Byun, Dong-Hyun Cha, Jaewon Choi, and Jeougmin Han
More information about session D5 can be found here.
D7: Climate Services developments in the frame of CORDEX and their transferability
Convener: Claas Teichmann, Armelle Reca Remedio
Rapporteur: Benjamin Harrison
Session summary
Climate Services allow societies to build resilience to future change and take advantage of opportunities provided by favorable conditions. In this session, we will stimulate the dialogue on climate services in connection with CORDEX and related communities. The aims are: assess CORDEX activities and climate service needs and expectations; highlight climate services developments; and explore potential transferability. We solicit presenters that address best practices on the use of CORDEX products for climate service purposes; collaborations on co-development of climate services and visions on CORDEX integration in climate service developments. We look forward to receiving your contribution.
Contact: Claas Teichmann
More information about session D7 can be found here.
D2: The Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES): A systematic evaluation of CORDEX simulations using satellite observations (obs4MIPs)
Conveners: Huikyo Lee1, Duane Waliser1, Alexander Goodman1, and J. Sanjay2
1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
Session Summary
Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) has been used in several hands-on training to evaluate regional climate simulations for various CORDEX domains. (please see the detailed description and training materials here:
As an advanced follow-up of Session D2 in ICRC-CORDEX 2016, we will offer a hands-on training workshop using RCMES in Beijing. The main objective of the proposed RCMES training is to facilitate systematic evaluations of CORDEX RCMs forced by ERA-Interim reanalysis against a suite of satellite observations.
More information about session D2 can be found here.
D4: Urban environment and regional climate change
Conveners: Tomas Halenka , Gaby Langendijk, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Peter Hoffmann and Michal Belda
Rapporteur: Shailendra Mandal
Session Summary
The aim of the session is to gather members of CORDEX community interested in a common approach to include urban effects in the CORDEX simulations and framework, communicating the knowledge and expertise achieved in the studies of urban effects in high resolution regional climate simulations, and proposing a way forward, which within CORDEX activities might be an FPS on urbanization, considering big cities (megacities) across interested CORDEX domains. A limited number of well focused contributions will be accepted as orals to start the discussion. There are also limited options to display posters, and you are welcome to express the interest via submission. Contact: Thomas Halenka
More information about session D4 can be found here.
D6: Hybrid downscaling methods: How can CORDEX benefit from statistical approaches?
Conveners: Abdelkader Mezghani1, Rasmus Benestad1, and Stefan Sobolowski2 1.The Norwegian Meterological Institute (MET Norway), 2. Norwegian Research Centre and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (NORCE)
Rapporteur: Bo Huang
Session summary
Downscaling is a key aspect in most studies of climate change and its consequences, as it reduces the gap between climate model output and observations. Two widely used methods have been developed by two separate scientific communities such as dynamical (DD) and statistical downscaling (SD). While DD is primarily based on the physical understanding of processes and phenomena, SD tries to reproduce the statistical properties (e.g. variability, extremes, …) of particular climate variables or phenomena. Here, we invite the submission of abstracts on efforts combining both methods to produce reliable local climate signal including uncertainties. Contact: Dr. Mezghani
More information about session D6 can be found here.
D8: Coordinated Training Programs for CORDEX
Conveners: Chris Lennard and Fredolin Tangang
Rapporteur: Temitope Egbebiyi
Session summary
Training and capacity building programs in regional climate downscaling are vital especially in developing countries. Implementing them in a coordinated fashion under the CORDEX umbrella would be useful. This session primarily provides a platform for exchanges of experiences and best practices from some of the organized CORDEX trainings / workshops. The outcomes could lead to a drafting of some guidelines/standards that anyone can and are recommended to use as a baseline when organizing a ‘CORDEX training/workshop’. Contacts: Chris Lennard and Fredolin Tangang
More information about session D8 can be found here.