Session Description
Session D2 is an instructional training session. We do not accept any abstracts for oral or poster presentations.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) has beenused in several hands-on training to evaluate regional climate simulations for various CORDEX domains. (please see the detailed description and training materials here:
As an advanced follow-up of Session D2 in ICRC-CORDEX 2016, we will offer a hands-on training workshop using RCMES in Beijing. The main objective of the proposed RCMES training is to facilitate systematic evaluations of CORDEX RCMs forced by ERA-Interim reanalysis against a suite of satellite observations.
This instructional training session will start with a brief slide presentation on the motivation and objectives behind RCMES followed by an overview of its capabilities, underlying Big Climate Data Pipeline (BCDP) and the associated website resources. During this overview, we will explain how to access Linux instances prepared for all participants using their own laptops. No prerequisite software will be required. Prospective participants of our workshop will able to choose one of fourteen CORDEX domains and evaluate any RCMs that are available via ESGF. After a short break, the participants will download and analyze statistically downscaled projections at high spatial resolution from the NASA’s Earth Exchange (NEX) project.
The expected outcome of this training workshop is 1) to disseminate open-source software for analyzing and evaluating RCMs and statistically downscaled GCMs to the CORDEX community, 2) to increase utility of the Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project (obs4MIPs), and 3) to increase communication and collaboration between different CORDEX domains.