Parallel Session A: Advances in regional downscaling
Day 2: Wednesday, October 16 (08.30-13.00)
A1: Uncertainties and added value
- Added value as a function of scale
- Added value in long term regional/local trends
- Added value in extremes
- User focused added value
- Metrics for quantifying added value
- Observational constraints to reduce the uncertainty
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION A1
For a .pdf of the complete abstract book (oral and posters of parallel sessions) click here
Oral presentations:
Co-chairs: Tereza Cavazos & Fredolin Tangang
Rapporteur: JC Peralta
08.30 Multi-domain intercomparison and potential conflicts from CORDEX simulations: An example for the Mediterranean region. Mikel N. Legasa
08.45 CORDEX-SEA Projection of Temperature and Precipitation and their Time of Emergence in Vietnam. Thanh Ngo-Duc
09.00 Present day bias and future change signal of temperature over China in a series of multi-GCM driven RCM simulations. Xuejie Gao
09.15 A global overview of present and future climate over CORDEX domains by RegCM4. Erika Coppola
09.30 Projected changes in temperature over Southeast Asia in the CORDEX-SEA simulations. Gemma Teresa Narisma
09.45 Contrasting global and regional climate models over Europe and Africa. Grigory Nikulin
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 Uncertainty and inter-model variations in CORDEX Southeast Asia multi-model simulations of precipitation. Fredolin Tangang
10.45 What can we know about future precipitation in Africa? Robustness, significance and added value of projections from a large ensemble of regional climate models. Chris Lennard
11.00 A spatial representation of an added value index for Regional Climate Models. James Ciarlo
11.30-13.00 Poster session A1, A2, A3
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions A, click on the links below
A2: Convection permitting modelling
- Challenges in Convective Permitting modelling
- Metrics for selecting driving GCM
- Evaluation data for very high-resolution simulations
- Cross comparisons and links between CPM, RCM and GCMs
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION A2
Oral presentations:
Co-chairs: Shiori Sugimoto & Danijel Belusic
Rapporteur: Dhirendra Kumar
08.30 A surrogate warming experiment on summertime extreme precipitation events in Europe comparing a convective permitting model to coarser scale RCMs. Erik Kjellström
08.45 (When) is convection permitting resolution important in the northern latitudes? Danijel Belusic
09.00 Future precipitation changes over the Alpine region in a multi-model convection-permitting ensemble: a first look. Stefan Sobolowski
09.15 The effects of switching-off parameterized convection at grey-zone resolutions. Jesus Vergara-Temprado
09.30 Convection permitting regional climate simulations over the Arabian Gulf Region. Xiaoqin Jing
09.45 Sensitivity of summer precipitation simulation to microphysics parameterization over eastern China: Convection-permitting Regional Climate Simulation. Ziyue Guo
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 How does the rainfall change over Hawaii in the future? Convection permitting regional climate simulations of the Hawaiian Islands. Lulin Xue
10.45 Case study reproducibility in a convection-permitting WRF multi-physics ensemble: the role of internal variability. Alvaro Lavin Gullon
11.00 Assessment of the synoptic forcing associated with extreme precipitation events over South- eastern South America as depicted by RCMs at convective permitting resolution performed within a CORDEX FPS. Silvina Solman
11.30-13.00 Poster session A1, A2, A3
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions A, click on the links below
A3: Downscaling tools and methods
- ESD methods
- Multi‐variant statistical downscaling
- Coordinated ESD experiments
- Bias correction uncertainties and consistency
- Dynamical downscaling
Click here to read the SUMMARY REPORT SESSION A3
Oral presentations:
Co-chairs: Tannecia Stephenson & Koji Dairaku
Rapporteur: Abiodun Adeola
08.30 Statistical downscaling with deep learning: A contribution to CORDEX-CORE. Jorge Baño-Medina
09.00 Challenges of statistical-dynamical downscaling of euro-cordex regional climate models for impact studies at the city scale. Benjamin Le Roy
09.15 A comparison of statistical downscaling techniques for daily precipitation: results from the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study in South America. Maria Bettolli
09.30 A hybrid statistical downscaling approach based on nonstationary time series decomposition. Xintong Li
09.45 Combining global and regional models to “fill the matrix” Ole B. Christensen
10.00 Coffee/Tea break
10.30 RCMES-based statistical downscaling of CORDEX south Asia RCM output over India. Mahesh Ramadoss
10.45 FESOM2.0 in climate simulations: from global to regional scales. Dmitry Sein
11.00 Future changes in water balance components across irrigated lands of Central Asia as projected by a high-resolution modeling system. Igor Shkolnik
11.15 Recent progress of Japan’s regional downscaling project (SI-CAT) and CORDEX Asia Empirical-Statistical Downscaling (ESD). Koji Daikaru
11.30-13.00 Poster session A1, A2, A3
Poster authors in attendance
For a .pdf of the abstracts of poster presentations in sessions A, click on the links below